update to v1.1 on 20.11.2021


Project Title

  1. Give your project a title under Project Title in the Menu on the left-hand side

  2. Continue with Data Preparation


Data Preparation

  1. Download the template by clicking the Download button in the Menu on the left-hand side
  2. (The template file will be saved in your default download location)

  3. Copy your electron-microprobe data to the template and save the file on your device

  4. Note:
    - use the correct order of oxides
    - give your data in wt%
    - use a point as decimal separator
    - leave cells empty for not-analyzed/not-available oxides (only allowed for TiO2 and Cr2O3 )
    - for values below detection limit give any numeric value <0.03 (detection limit of analysis must be <0.03 wt%)

  5. Continue with Upload Data


Upload Data & Create Plots

  1. Browse to your prepared data table and select it

  2. Once the upload is complete, input data and individual discrimination results as well arithmetic mean votes and class assignments can be found in the DATA TABLES tab below (calculations may take a few seconds)
  3. Note: All tabs can be expanded (+) or collapsed (-) at the upper right corner

  4. By clicking Create Plots , discrimination results will be visualized and can be found in the PLOTS tab below (calculations may take a few seconds)

  5. Marker size and stroke weight for all samples as well as marker colour and shape for individual samples can be customized in the left hand Menu

  6. Abbreviations:
    A - alkaline; AM - amphibolite facies; BS/GS - blueschist/greenschist facies; CS - calcsilicate; EC/UHP - eclogite/ultrahigh-pressure facies; GR - granulite facies; IF/S - intermediate-felsic/metasedimentary; IG - igneous rocks; M - mafic; MA - mantle rocks; MM - metamorphic rocks; MS - metasomatic rocks; UM - ultramafic